Friday, August 15, 2008

After - Inside the G4

What's nice about the tower design is expandability which is something the Mini (which I own) and the all-in-ones like the iMacs lack. I scavenged a number of parts and bought a few - "Frankensteining" together what to me is a new and perfectly viable work and play computer.

Before - Inside the G4

Inside the G4, originally uploaded by willceau.

I had an eMac which I loved, but after the monitor went, I promised myself that I would never get another all-in-one. My options as far as buying new looked dim. I did a little reading: spent a lot of time at and decided to try a used machine.

This is my G4 as it looked when I first got it from Wegener Media. I bought it used although the folks at Wegener did a thorough job cleaning it and probably swapped out a few parts that needed replacing. I did some research, and realized that I could have a great machine for not a lot of money. This is the beginning. I will post other pictures of the parts I replaced.